
My Cameras - a group of snapshots linking me to my past

CamerasOver the years I have accumulated a respectable collection of cameras of all shapes and sizes. Along the way some have broken, some have been lost and one was stolen, but for the most part I have kept these time freezers with me and will keep on doing so for the forseable future. The collection ranges from barely working fixed focus point-and-shoot film cameras from the early -90s through an ancient medium format relic all the way up to professional grade digital cameras and lenses. And although I only use one or two of them on a regular basis I can't get myself to get rid of them, even the ones that don't work properly any more.

Each of my cameras has a story attached to it - either where or when I got it, a particular situation they've been in or a certain picture I took that went on to become a story in its own right. To keep a record of this I've decided to publish a story for each of the cameras right here on the site for everyone to read. Some of them are rather dull while others, like the one about my war scarred EOS-1, are riveting. So if you're interested, take the time to read through them.